Tuesday 13 November 2012

military intelligence

Hello dear bloggers,
My name is Bruce and I work for the military intelligence.

This morning I woke up at 4:00 am to go to work because I we are on an exercise abroad. First, let’s talk about my learning; I am 45% auditif, 15% visual and 40% tactile. My skills regarding this job is I am letter smart and technologic smart. I will give you the exact definition of military intelligence and then I will put it in more simple terms. "Military intelligence is a military discipline that exploits a number of information collection and analysis approaches to provide guidance and direction to commanders in support of their decisions". This basically means that I am the one in the army that commands the troops from far and I help the recruits and even older soldiers with any problems they have concerning the military.Everyday is never the same, one day I might organise my troops for going on the field, another day I might evaluate the possible recruits. The reason I am doing this job is because when I was young I had, and I still have, a very good sense of leadership. To work for the military itelligence you have to, According to Education Portal "A bachelor's degree is typically required for all aspiring officers in the military. There are degree programs designed to lead specifically into this field, such as those in security or strategy, but many people are served better by a degree in a specific area, such as a language or geography. Deciding when to enlist in the military with regards to education is largely a personal decision."
Thank you this is my job.

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