Monday 17 December 2012


Hello I am bobby bo and I am a air traffic controler.

The reason I became air traffic controller is because, first I love planes and plane related stuff. I am 50% auditif, 30% visual and 20% tactile. I am also sight smart and a good leader . In one of my typical days I
  • "Issue landing and take-off authorizations or instructions.
  • Monitor or direct the movement of aircraft within an assigned air space or on the ground at airports to minimize delays and maximize safety.
  • Monitor aircraft within a specific airspace, using radar, computer equipment, or visual references.
  • Inform pilots about nearby planes or potentially hazardous conditions, such as weather, speed and direction of wind, or visibility problems.
  • Provide flight path changes or directions to emergency landing fields for pilots traveling in bad weather or in emergency situations.
  • Alert airport emergency services in cases of emergency or when aircraft are experiencing difficulties.
  • Direct pilots to runways when space is available or direct them to maintain a traffic pattern until there is space for them to land.
  • Transfer control of departing flights to traffic control centers and accept control of arriving flights.
  • Direct ground traffic, including taxiing aircraft, maintenance or baggage vehicles, or airport workers.
  • Determine the timing or procedures for flight vector changes." onet
This is my job thank you.

Thursday 13 December 2012


Hello dear bloggers,I am salami pastrami and I am a car engineer. 

As a car engineer I
  • "Read and interpret blueprints, technical drawings, schematics, or computer-generated reports.
  • Assist drafters in developing the structural design of products using drafting tools or computer-assisted design (CAD) or drafting equipment and software.
  • Research, design, evaluate, install, operate, and maintain mechanical products, equipment, systems and processes to meet requirements, applying knowledge of engineering principles.
  • Confer with engineers or other personnel to implement operating procedures, resolve system malfunctions, or provide technical information.
  • Recommend design modifications to eliminate machine or system malfunctions.
  • Conduct research that tests or analyzes the feasibility, design, operation, or performance of equipment, components, or systems.
  • Investigate equipment failures and difficulties to diagnose faulty operation, and to make recommendations to maintenance crew.
  • Develop and test models of alternate designs and processing methods to assess feasibility, operating condition effects, possible new applications and necessity of modification.
  • Develop, coordinate, or monitor all aspects of production, including selection of manufacturing methods, fabrication, or operation of product designs.
  • Specify system components or direct modification of products to ensure conformance with engineering design and performance specifications." Onet
  • The reason I became a car engineer is because I am what you may call a "car nerd" and almost all my family is in car related buisnesses.
    I am 10% auditif, 50% visual and 40% tactile.
    This is my job thank you.


    Monday 10 December 2012


    Hello I am mugga migga and I am a  Holistic marketer. I am 10% auditif, 50% visual and 40% tactile. I live in Texas, USA. I buy normally 10 hours per week.

    This morning I woke up at 10 am in my apartment in down town Dallas. I am a holistic marketer. Holistic marketing is "concept looks at marketing as a complex activity and acknowledges that everything matters in marketing - and that a broad and integrated perspective is necessary in developing, designing and implementing marketing programs and activities. The four components that characterize holistic marketing are relationship marketing, internal marketing, integrated marketing, and socially responsive marketing." according to Wikipedia. In a day I plan all the products to market and to present what the benifits and why you should buy it. The reason im a holistic marketer is that I like presenting things to people and interacting with them. For the rest of the day we went home to play assasins creed 3.

    Friday 7 December 2012


      Hello I am Shmiggi and I am a computer manufacturer. I am 50% auditive, 10% visual and 40% tactile. I live in Quebec, Canada. I work normally 40 hours per week.

    This morning I woke up at 5 am in my apartment in down town Quebec, ready to go work in the factory, I prepare myself to go assemble computer chips or other computer parts I am working with my partner bobby and I've been working in the field of manufacturing for 15 years. We maintained our productivity rate for three hours with the others, when we slowed down the pace it was 9 am and it was time to get a brake and more energy to keep the pace up and to maintain our job. We tested the circuits for the computers in the testing area and realised that there were problems to fix but it would stand if there was a problem so we did not fix them. The testing of the chips lasted 10 minutes. I told my partners that they had to be more careful with the chips. After the assembly and test we had a well-deserved lunch to gain more energy. After the lunch we ran back to our stations to respond to a customer line. For the rest of the day we repeated this activity 5 times before the end of the day.

    Tuesday 4 December 2012

    public safety

    Hello dear bloggers,

    I am Robby and I am a police officer.

    To be police officer you need a personality that is people, law, drive and strict smart, which I am naturally, and you need to be punctual. Today I woke up at 3:00 am because there was this delinquent teenager that decided to rob this alcohol shop. This is my typical day, get called super early to go for a emergency that usually ends the same way, the guy/girl runs away, chase him, catch him, bring him to the station. The reason I became police officer is because I always wanted to be in the law department and I somehow managed to land being officer. Being police officer basically means "Police officers are generally charged with the apprehension of criminals and the prevention and detection of crime, and the maintenance of public order." according to Wikipedia. I like being part of the police because of the respect other people give you, when people are around me they never do too much, they barely talk. Its funny because that is how I know they did or are going to do something bad. So this on.. sorry got to go there is an emergency bye!
    File:Feeding time dark.jpg

    Sunday 2 December 2012

    information & technology

    Dear bloggers

    Hello I am Miyagi and I am a game developer. I am 10% auditif, 50% visual and 40% tactile.

    This morning I got up at 7:00 to start working. You see I work at home:

    I will tell you my skills regarding this job I am technological, visual and tactile smart. Now you are probably wondering why I decided to become game developer, most of you will think it is because I am a gamer, actually I became game developer for one simple reason: the feedback you get with the people the games you developed. Basically that means that I like to see how people enjoy what I did and it tells me that I did not do all that work for nothing. This job is really "video game developer is a software developer business or individual which creates video games." according to Wikipedia. In a day I write my storyline, which takes a long time, and then submit it to my platform creators who then incorporate it to the game. I like this job because it makes me see at what extent technology has gotten and how hard our life would be without electronic gadgets. My buddy Jayjay, his real name is Jason, is responsible for the platforming mentioned earlier but he also helps me write my storyline and he tries to teach me the basics of platforming, but honestly what I see is a bunch of letters and numbers all over the screen, and how it works. Thank you for reading, this is my job.

    Tuesday 27 November 2012

    human services

    Hello fellow bloggers,

    I am  Maaga Puki and my brother is Atzeratua Oilarra and he is a nanny. I am a fitness instructor on my own small company that has not yet been really successful but we manage to stay alive.

    This morning I woke up at 6:30 am to go to my gym, which is in the center of Motikoyo, Japan. to be fitness instructor you have to be body and people smart because you can’t be a fitness instructor if you are fat or you can’t handle being around people. My type of learning is 45% additive, 15% visual and 40% tactile. My skills’ regarding this job is that I am good in sports, naturally, and I usually get along well with people. Today I coached 1 person that is new to my gym, I made her do tests like stretching and jogging, stuff like that to see where she is so that I don’t make her do a program that is way too hardcore for her. to become fitness instructor you "require a high school diploma, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator(AED) certification, and some type of examination." according to Wikipedia. As a fitness instructer I coach my clients into being fit and healthy. The reason I became a fitness instructor is because I like sports and I am fit so I feel selfish if I cant help other people become fit like me. Thank you this is my job.

    File:Personal trainer showing a client how to exercise the right way and educating them along the way.jpg

    Friday 23 November 2012

    tour guide

    Hello dear bloggers,

    I am Marcopolo and I am a tour guide. I am 30% auditif, 30% visual and 40% tactile. I live in Rome. I work normally 40 hours per week and I gain 205$ per day.

    This morning I woke up at 5:30 am in my small house in down town Rome, ready to go work at the center, I prepared myself to go respond to tourists in need. I work with Billy and I worked in the field of touring for 30 years. When we received our first tourist it was 9 am and it was to show them, of course, the coliseum in V.I.P We arrived on the site and realized that there were more people than usually. The visiting of the V.I.P passes lasted 10 minutes. I told my clients that they skipped a line of 3 hours. After the escalation they had a well-deserved brake to gain more energy. After the brake we descended back to our tour bus to eat our lunch. After the paying for the day we drove them to their hotel one by one. Today I gained 70 $. After the end of my charged day I went home with my family to go eat the supper. This is my typical day as a tour guide. Thank you for listening.

    Thursday 15 November 2012


    Hello dear bloggers,

    My name is Jason and I am a dentist.
    This morning I woke up at 6:00 AM to go to my work building which is situated in central Québec area. Oh and I am going to take this time to tell you about my skills regarding dentist. I am 10% auditory, 50% tactile and 40% visual learning. I work as a dentist because of all the interacting with people and all these teeth and sometimes doing filling. I am also a dentist because of how cool it is to play with all those teeth. Here is the exact meaning of dentist,
    "A dentist, also known as a 'dental surgeon', is a health care practitioner that specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity. The dentist's supporting team aides in providing oral health services. The dental team includes dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental technicians, and in some states, dental therapists." For a dentist you have to be people, tool and visual smart, which I am by the way. In the dentist branch jobs there is, General Dentist Cosmetic Dentists Orthodontist Periodontist Oral Surgeon Dental Assistant Dental Hygienist Dental Lab Technician, I won't go explaining all of these because it would be way too long and the names say it all. This is dentistry. thank you.

    Tuesday 13 November 2012

    military intelligence

    Hello dear bloggers,
    My name is Bruce and I work for the military intelligence.

    This morning I woke up at 4:00 am to go to work because I we are on an exercise abroad. First, let’s talk about my learning; I am 45% auditif, 15% visual and 40% tactile. My skills regarding this job is I am letter smart and technologic smart. I will give you the exact definition of military intelligence and then I will put it in more simple terms. "Military intelligence is a military discipline that exploits a number of information collection and analysis approaches to provide guidance and direction to commanders in support of their decisions". This basically means that I am the one in the army that commands the troops from far and I help the recruits and even older soldiers with any problems they have concerning the military.Everyday is never the same, one day I might organise my troops for going on the field, another day I might evaluate the possible recruits. The reason I am doing this job is because when I was young I had, and I still have, a very good sense of leadership. To work for the military itelligence you have to, According to Education Portal "A bachelor's degree is typically required for all aspiring officers in the military. There are degree programs designed to lead specifically into this field, such as those in security or strategy, but many people are served better by a degree in a specific area, such as a language or geography. Deciding when to enlist in the military with regards to education is largely a personal decision."
    Thank you this is my job.

    Wednesday 7 November 2012


    Hello dear bloggers,

    My name is Sam and I am an accountant and I work for Fitouchini alfreddo & co. This morning I woke up at 5:00 am to go to my office, now you are probably wondering why I get up so early, I get up so early because I live in St. Raymond and my office is in central Québec area. I am also going to take this time to talk to you about my personality; I am number, letter, word and computer smart. To be accountant you pretty much have to be like that because you stay in your office and fill in reports and check the pays, most of you will think that it is boring but I find it pretty fun. My skills for this job are I type fast, naturally, and I can read fast too. The reason I became accountant is because most of my family are accountant or in that branch, my brother max is credit analyst and my sister Julie is a bookkeeper. My parents died in a car accident 5 years ago but they were also both accountants, that is how they met. By the way here is a picture of me:
    To become an accountant you have to `To pursue a career as a CA I will need to enroll for a Bachelor of Accounting Science degree or a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting degree or an equivalent CA (SA) undergraduate qualification at a SAICA accredited university`. According to because I don’t remember the studies I did it’s been since 1987 that I am accountant.
    Thank you for reading!!

    Tuesday 6 November 2012

    gym teacher

    Hello fellow bloggers,
    My name is Jason and I am a gym teacher.
    This morning I woke up at 6:00 AM to go to the school which is situated in central Québec area. Oh and I am going to take this time to tell you about my skills regarding being a gym teacher. I am 10% auditory, 70% tactile and 20% visual learning. I work as a gym teacher because of all the kids I teach, yes I like kids but don’t think the wrong way, also about the sports we do and running. To be a gym teacher you have to be body smart, especially with an elementary school gym teacher you also have to be nerve smart, which I am both by the way. Here is a picture of me:
    To become gym teacher you have to “Typically you need to complete a degree in Health and Physical Education at a 4 year college or university. Some of the classes you may have to take are Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology, Health and Wellness classes, activity courses like golf, aerobics, basketball, tennis, racquetball, and other team and/or individual sports, a number of Teaching PE/Health Methods Classes, and Student teaching or internships.” According to, because it’s been awhile I’ve done those studies so I don’t remember. My skills by the way are that I am physically fit and I am good at most sports. This is what my job is.

    Tuesday 30 October 2012


    Hello fellow bloggers,
    My name is Jason and I am an architect.
    This morning I woke up at 6:00 AM to go to my office which is situated in central Québec area. Oh and I am going to take this time to tell you about my skills regarding architecture. I am 10% auditory, 50% tactile and 40% visual learning. I work as an architect because of all the sketching and drawing and sometimes building the building, smaller, with, let’s say cardboard, so that I can get a better view of what I am going to design. I am also an architect because of how cool it is to design all those buildings. In a day I mostly do these things
    · Meet with clients.
    · Win contracts.
    · Solve problems.
    · Estimate costs.
    · Meet with consultants.
    · Produce drawings.
    · Present at public hearings.
    · Draw up specifications.
    · Call tenders.
    · Visit construction sites. Here is an example of a building that I designed,

    That building is one of my personal favourites because that is the one that got me the best contract and, it looks great huh, for its look. To become an architect you have to complete a bachelor’s or master’s degree in architecture from a university program approved by the Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB). That is my job Architect thank you.

    Monday 29 October 2012

    clerk jerry

    Dear bloggers

    Hello I am jerry and I am a clerk. I am 45% auditf, 15% visual and 40% tactile. I live in the us. I am an insurance claims clerk.

    This morning I woke up at 5am outside of the city to go work at Industrielle Alliance. At my office, I prepare myself to work to apply insurance rating systems and to transmit claims for payments or farther investigation. It should have lasted a very long time , when I arrived in the room I was right on time because I had already two cases to investigate, 10 minutes. I worked an hour in my office to finish the new cases, (many new cases) after I decided that I was good and that I should eat to get my lost energy back. After my break I distributed mail and read messages which said that I had to calculate the claims for the last 2 hours. After the end of the calculations I sent the results to my boss and took my lunch break to eat and see the new games at a shop in the mall next to the building that I work in. After my break I reviewed data on insurance applications for a case. Directly when finished my day of work I went home to eat with my family.

    Wednesday 17 October 2012


    Hello dear bloggers, I am Jason and I am cartoonist. A cartoonist is a person who specializes in drawing cartoons. Cartoonists have different branches such as: animation, booklets, comic strips, comic books, editorial cartoons, graphic novels, manuals, single-panel gag cartoons or video game packaging.Cartoonists earn salaries ranging from $54,045 to $76,302 per year as a national average as of 2010. With bonuses, cartoonists earn up to $77,550 on average. Like other artists, some cartoonists are self-taught. They might start drawing at an early age and can begin developing a specific tone and style as well as an area of interest. A cartoonist might turn to developing editorial or political cartoons, for example, or might have an interest in illustrating textbooks. With practice and experience, it is possible for a cartoonist to build up a portfolio of examples that show his or her skill, style and areas of interest. It might take several years for a cartoonist to build up enough clients to have a stable source of income from cartooning.




    Hello, my name is Bob and I am a vet. A vet is a professional who treats disease, disorder and injury in animals. I recently did a personality test and I wanted to share the results with you, I got 10% visual learning, 60% tactile learning and 30% auditory learning. The mean salary Those not continuing their studies made $67,359 at first where vets in the United Kingdom earned slightly less with salaries at an average of £25,000. In a day you mostly have to do small check-ups on animals that their owner brings us. we also do vaccins on animals depending on their needs. In order to practice, vets must complete both an appropriate degree in veterinary medicine, and in most cases must be registered with the relevant governing body for their jurisdiction. Dependent on where the vet practices (or wishes to practice), they may have to complete an examination or test in order to complete this registration. I decided to become a vet because I really like animals and my family is mostly vets except my small brother that is still in secondary education. What im best at in this job is, mostly, the check-ups, vaccins and small operations. That is what my job, skills, reasons and personality is concerning my job.
    Thank you for reading my blog!!!